Why You’re Getting Bored with Freelancing (And What to Do About It)

There comes a point in just about every job where things become mundane. Day in, day out, it’s same old, same old, and you begin to dread the start of each day because you’re just so bored. 

But in freelancing, you don’t have to be. 

I’ve seen freelancers fall into the trap of getting bored with their job and then thinking that freelancing isn’t for them. I’ve even done it. But the great thing about freelancing is that it is whatever you want it to be—so if you’re getting bored, you have the power to change it! Boredom can be caused by many things, so let’s take a look at what you might be experiencing:

Unrealistic Expectations

I love freelance writing. I also hate it sometimes. As amazing as freelancing is, it’s still a job. There will be good days and bad days. Work might be slow or super busy. It’s important not to go into freelancing thinking it’s some kind of miracle cure for work. In fact, it takes more work on your part than a traditional job (at least at first) because of all that you’re managing. It’s not easy, but it is rewarding and fun. 

If you go in with idyllic expectations, you’ll get bored and frustrated quite easily. Take a step back, take a look at reality, and reevaluate whether this is the right path for you. If so, adjust your expectations. Stay positive, but don’t expect all of your problems to be solved by freelancing.

Stuck in a Long-term Gig

Long-term gigs can be great…or not so great. If you’re bored, take a good look at the jobs you’re doing. Have you perhaps been in a long-term gig for too long? Long-term gigs might bring some stability, but if they’re causing you to get bored or stressed, it might be time for a change.

Maybe a long-term gig just doesn’t challenge you. Maybe there’s no room to grow. Maybe the pay was great when you started, but it hasn’t increased as your skills have sharpened. If you find yourself in any of these situations, it may be time to negotiate with your client or even part ways. Don’t let a single job ruin it for you. There are tons of jobs out there that are new and exciting!

Too Stuck in a Niche/Wrong Niche

Of course I know the importance of having a niche in the freelancing market, but as I’ve said before, if you’re always doing the same thing, how will you ever grow or learn new skills?

If you find yourself getting bored, think back to your favourite projects. What do they all have in common? Hone in on that and tweak your niche. And don’t be afraid to branch out; for example, some writers become editors, and some editors become writers! Make use of all of your skills and don’t be afraid to try something different.

Don’t panic when you start getting bored with freelance writing—just reevaluate. Freelancing allows you to adjust whenever and however you need. That’s the beauty of it!

Have you ever gotten stuck while freelancing? Got any questions about the business? Let me know in the comments or contact me!

Happy writing!

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