Roll With It: Pushing Through Unexpected Challenges

Do you ever have perfect plans that disintegrate right before your eyes, and it’s no fault of your own? Do you ever set exciting goals, only to watch them become unachievable due to new and unexpected circumstances?

Just as we talked about when it comes to our resolutions, it’s annoying when this happens – and that’s putting it mildly. These are the moments when we realise that our control is so limited. As writers, it’s especially irritating because it often means that WIPs and release dates get pushed back. We want so badly to finish our book babies, but when they take longer than planned, the frustration from that can seep into the writing process itself and cause it to take even longer.

What do we do when we face these unexpected challenges?

I was so excited about my writing goals this year. I dedicated myself more than ever to my original works, determined not to waste a single minute that I could be working on one of my books. One of my biggest goals was to submit a short story to the Writers of the Future competition in its second quarter. I also wanted to take a few writing courses, rework my website, and add some more designs to my RedBubble store.

Long story short: none of it happened. Instead, life took a much different turn and I was faced with a new trial just about every single day. Not only was I struggling in my personal life, but I had to completely rework my schedule. I began working late hours. So many things piled onto my plate that I simply didn’t have time to work on my original stories like I wanted to.

Even now, I’m still in a tight spot. I don’t have the time or emotional capacity to do as much as I’d planned. But – I see it all as an important lesson.

It’s good to plan, but it’s also good to realise that ultimately, some things aren’t up to you.

You can plan as meticulously as you like, but life can throw one curveball to knock it all down in an instant. And you might be wondering right about now why I’m posting this on a Monday, which is supposed to be a day for encouragement and motivation on the blog. It’s because this is not where the story ends. I am not in control, and I’ve discovered it’s a good thing. There’s nothing more freeing than trusting your life to the Creator of the Universe, knowing that he’s promised to provide all that you need. Even if I can’t do anything on my resolution list, I still have faith, and that’s the most important thing I could ever do.

So, I don’t know how the rest of the year is going to go. I’ll still try to accomplish my goals, but maybe the time just isn’t right. Maybe I need to learn more first. Whatever it is, I have faith. I know little; God knows it all.

Patience. Isn’t it one of the most important qualities a writer can have?

No matter what thing in your life isn’t going right, just pause, be patient, and have faith. There is a better plan. And if you ever need help walking through this writing journey, please contact me and I’ll be happy to talk.

Happy writing!

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Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

Current Donation Goal: Standing Desk! $30/$150

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When you write as much as I do, you have to take frequent breaks from sitting. A standing desk (not a whole desk, but a mini desk that will sit on top of my current desk with my laptop, keyboard, and mouse and extend upward) will allow me to continue working while maintaining that good blood flow to my brain. Thank you so much for your support that allows me to keep producing free content. God bless you! ♥️ E.J.


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