Why You Should Read More than One Book at a Time

When I was younger, I baulked at the idea of reading more than one book at a time. It felt like cheating on the book I was reading. How could I give it anything less than my full attention? It was one and one alone for me.

However, once I started living on my own after college, I found myself accidentally reading several books at once. I always had a fiction book to read, but then I started reading a non-fiction book at the same time, plus a book I was reviewing, and then an audiobook I was listening to during my walks or workouts.

Without even realising it, I was doing what I said I’d never do. And surprisingly, it didn’t make me enjoy the books any less. In fact, I loved having a variety of things to read. I never got “tired” of one book, but having multiple genres at my disposal only increased my excitement to read each book. Plus, this practice allowed me to read more widely. I found that I appreciated non-fiction more when I had a fiction book to escape to as my imagination began to crave something more fantastical. I could pay more attention to audiobooks when I listened to them in short chunks rather than all at once.

I learned the art of reading several books at once – and what do you know, they didn’t all get mixed up together in my head! Nowadays, I’m usually reading four books at any given time. Fiction, general non-fiction, Christian non-fiction, and a fiction or non-fiction audiobook or podcast, depending on how I’m feeling. Bible Thinker, Writing Made Easy, The Creative Penn, and Writing Excuses are some of my favourite podcasts. Here are the books/audiobooks currently on my plate:

  • The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson (fiction)
  • Swipe: The Science Behind Why We Don’t Finish What We Start (non-fiction, ARC for Reedsy Discovery)
  • The Crucified Life by A.W. Tozer (Christian non-fiction)
  • Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (fiction audiobook)

I’d like to add poetry to my lineup this year, specifically Romantic European poetry (which is undoubtedly my favourite). I think poetry isn’t appreciated nearly enough nowadays and I want to get back into the habit of reading it as I did in college.

What are you reading right now? Do you read more than one book at a time? Let me know in the comments!

Happy reading!

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Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

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When you write as much as I do, you have to take frequent breaks from sitting. A standing desk (not a whole desk, but a mini desk that will sit on top of my current desk with my laptop, keyboard, and mouse and extend upward) will allow me to continue working while maintaining that good blood flow to my brain. Thank you so much for your support that allows me to keep producing free content. God bless you! ♥️ E.J.


2 thoughts on “Why You Should Read More than One Book at a Time

  1. I always read multiple books at the same time. Usually have a couple of fiction and non fiction hard copies, then some on my Kindle, and lately I’ve been listening to audiobooks quite a bit. I had to get into that a little; it’s not the same as reading to me, but it’s good, too.

    I do have the tendency to abandon books this way, or leave them alone for longer than they deserve.

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