Oh no, it’s the last Monday update post!

Happy Monday, everyone! Embrace a new start to the week and set some new goals. Grab some inspiration and get writing!

Rather than tell you about my week, I want to briefly tell you about some exciting things coming up soon! If you read the title of the blog post, you’ll know that this is the last Monday update post; but don’t fret, it’s actually a great thing!

I’m starting up a weekly email newsletter with exclusive updates, writing prompts, writing tips, monthly giveaways, short stories, and more!

The newsletter will be sent out on Mondays and essentially replace my regular Monday post, freeing up Mondays on the blog for some more reviews, writing tips, and short stories!

You’ll be seeing signups for the email list late this week or early next week, so don’t miss your chance to subscribe! Once you get on the mailing list, I’ll be sending you a free copy of my new guidebook, The 10 Lost Elements of Storytelling. This guidebook is exclusive to the email signup list!

Currently Reading

Last week, I picked up one of my favourite book series of all time, Dragons in Our Midst by Bryan Davis. I’m on the third book out of twelve (there are two sequel series), but as this was the series that really sparked my love of writing and is still incredible when I read it today, you’ll definitely be hearing more from me about this amazing series!

Writing Inspiration

Go somewhere that inspires you this week. For me, it’s somewhere outside that’s quiet and surrounded by nature; either that, or a bookstore. Wherever it is for you, I encourage you to go there this week and write anything!

Coming Up This Week…

Stay tuned, because I’m bringing you an original short story and a review later this week. Then next week, I’ll be posting a short story, a review, and writing tips!

Make sure to look out for the newsletter signups!

That’s all for now! Until the next time,


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