Does Grammarly Really Make Your Writing Perfect? Review from a Pro Writer and Editor

As a writer, it's hard to know which resources are actually useful and which ones are just a fad. "You have to use this software to outline your book!" "This is the only word processor you should use to write your novel!" "Everyone can tell if you don't use this tool. . ." Heard it … Continue reading Does Grammarly Really Make Your Writing Perfect? Review from a Pro Writer and Editor

5 Most Commonly Misused Words and Phrases (According to an Editor)

The English language is a funny thing. Ask any two people about a specific word or phrase and they'll probably say or explain it differently depending on where they're from and how their family says it. Some people grow up not even knowing that they've got their phrasing or spelling wrong, and those mistakes then … Continue reading 5 Most Commonly Misused Words and Phrases (According to an Editor)

Why Grammar Is Still Important: Basic Storytelling Elements Part 1

Welcome to my new ten-part series where we'll be going through the ten basics of storytelling as outlined in my guidebook The 10 Lost Elements of Storytelling - a book you can get for free by subscribing to my newsletter! In these posts, we'll be going over the basics of these storytelling elements, but my … Continue reading Why Grammar Is Still Important: Basic Storytelling Elements Part 1